It started on a hunt.
Thirty years ago, a group of buddies (us) headed down to South Texas for the start of deer season. There, a campfire led to some cold beer, which led to a conversation. That conversation led to an idea. Fast forward to 2019, that idea became Hoot, a PROPRIETARY camouflage pattern and company created around nature’s most stealthy predator: the owl.
The conversations and moments from that trip continue to inspire us today. We’re about community, family, and fun. We’re for the people who love the ritual, preparation, and thrill of the hunt just as much as the crack of the gun or the release of the arrow. That see tagging an animal not as the end, but just the beginning. The ones inspired by nature’s beauty. The weekend hunter. The after-game angler. The call-some-buddies-and-head-out-after-work shooter. The I’ve-got-two-hours-to-bag-this-buck worker. The take-your-kid-on-their-first-hunt father.
In other words, we’re for you.
If you’re just as excited about campfires, conversations, and cold beers as we are, then we just became best friends. We promise to keep it real, keep it QUALITY, and to keep cracking cold ones. Together.
Because life’s too short for overpriced camo.
Because life’s about our hunting tales, not just about about our hunting tags.
Because, well, life’s a hoot.
#TEAMHOOT #hootnation


